The MIT Zeta Delta chapter of Delta Phi Epsilon was chartered on December 14, 2015, making it the newest sorority on campus. The motto of DPhiE is “esse quam videri,” which means “to be rather than to seem to be.” Our 29 founders – though they had vastly different backgrounds – all identified with the mission of being true to yourself. Sisters of Delta Phi Epsilon strive to help each other become the best version of themselves that they can be. Since our founding, we have grown to over 40 members, and we are excited to watch our sisterhood continue to grow and flourish on MIT’s campus.

Wherever you go on MIT’s campus, you can find a DPhiE: in classes and academic clubs, or in sports and performance activities. Our sisters demonstrate our founding principles of justice, sisterhood, and love in all that they do, whether it is by holding leadership positions in their extracurriculars or by always being the first volunteer for support. This investment in making MIT a better place, for whatever we are passionate in, helps make being part of our sisterhood a rich and exciting experience.

Trans and Non-Binary Inclusion Policy

“A group of MIT DPhiE sisters wrote the letter that inspired our International Headquarters’ new gender inclusion policy. To me this represents the best of DPhiE–a group of sisters committed to changing the world for the better and to living out esse quam videri. Rather than encouraging a limited definition of sisterhood and femininity, my sisters have always supported me and each other in being our truest and fullest selves, including through different gender identities and presentations, and in creating our own meaning of sisterhood…but also we’re p chill” ~Emily Thai, Founder, Class of 2017

Our sisters have had an impact not only on our campus, but on our national organization and the world overall. The Zeta Delta chapter, though it was one of the newest chapters in the nation at the time, changed how the International Delta Phi Epsilon organization treated trans and non-binary people interested in joining our sorority. 

In the fall of 2016, the Zeta Delta chapter wrote the first draft of Delta Phi Epsilon Sorority’s Trans-Women and Gender Non-Binary Inclusion Policy. This draft, written by our very own chapter, was then considered by the International Governing Board of DPhiE. In the summer of 2017, DPhiE announced its board-approved policy, developed in partnership with the Committee on Trans and Gender Non-Binary Inclusion.

The purpose of this policy is to establish an environment that is safe, welcoming, and free from stigma and discrimination for all potential new members, sisters, volunteer, and staff, regardless of sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression. Delta Phi Epsilon welcomes women and non-binary/gender non-conforming individuals to participate in recruitment and be considered for membership. Read the policy here.

We are beyond proud to be a chapter that pushes for inclusivity!